Diretrizes, manuais e protocolos


Material encaminhado para os alunos de Medicina de Harvard pela The Jack Ma Foundation and UN Global Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19

COVID-19 Aspectos de Imagem Grupo Fleury.pdf

Aspectos de imagem da COVID-19 - Grupo Fleury

CBR_Recomendações de uso de métodos de imagem_01_04_20.pdf

Diretrizes para COVID-19 do CBR

Pandemia COVID19 Diretrizes Gerais para limpeza e desinfecção de salas Grupo Fleury.pdf

Diretrizes gerais para limpeza e desinfecção de mesas, equipamentos e acessórios – Pandemia COVID19 - Grupo Fleury


British Society of Thoracic Imaging Guidelines

Avaliação por Imagem COVID-19 Sociedades Goianas.pdf

Recomendações para Otimização da Solicitação e Leitura de TC do Tórax: Pandemia COVID-19


Cuidados específicos para serviços de ultrassonografia diagnóstica durante o surto de COVID-19

CBR_Síntese das recomendações de exames de imagem torácica na COVID-19.pdf

Recomendações de uso de métodos de imagem, para avaliação torácica, em pacientes suspeitos de infecção pelo Covid-19

Fluxograma para Atendimento HAOC.pdf

Fluxograma para atendimento Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz

Nota Técnica n 04-2020 GVIMS-GGTES-ANVISA-ATUALIZADA.pdf


Guia CBR_Achados de imagem na COVID-19_Indicação e interpretação_20_03_20.pdf.pdf

Achados de imagem na COVID-19 - CBR

Manual COVID-19 Rosana Rodrigues.pdf

COVID-19 Aspectos radiológicos (Dra. Rosana Rodrigues)


Uso da Ecocardiografia em pacientes com COVID-1


Nota oficial SBPC, CBR e AMB

POSIÇÃO DO CFM SOBRE COVID-19 - 17.03.2020.pdf


Protocolo Ministerio da Saude Manejo Coronavirus.pdf
Protocolo para entrar em casa UnimedBH.pdf

Protocolos de entrada em casa

Pulmonologist COVID-19.pdf

International Pulmonologists' Consensus COVID-19

SBI Informe nº 10 23mar20 Perguntas e Respostas COVID-19.pdf.pdf

Sociedade Brasileira de Infectologia

Tutorial DASA.pdf

Aspectos de imagem COVID-19 DASA

Tutorial Prevent Senior.pdf

Tutorial Radiologia Prevent Senior

Uso de mascaras SBPT.pdf

SBPT: recomendações para uso de máscaras

protocolo_atendimento_coronavirus HCor.pdf

Protocolo de atendimento HCor

Paramentação e desparamentação na COVID19 Março 2020_UFPR.pdf

Paramentação e desparamentação COVID-19 UFPR

Protocolo para realização de exames em pacientes suspeitos de COVID Santa Casa Porto Alegre.pdf

Protocolo para realização de exames de imagem na COVID Santa Casa Porto Alegre

Statement on the risk assessment of pregnant women with heart disease during the COVID 19 pandemic.pdf

Statement on the risk assessment of pregnant women with heart disease during the COVID 19 pandemic

Clinical guide for the management of cardiology patients during the coronavirus pandemic.pdf

Clinical guide for the management of cardiology patients during the coronavirus pandemic

Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Guidance for Use of Cardiac Computed Tomography Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.pdf

Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Guidance for Use of Cardiac Computed Tomography Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

BSTI:BSGAR decision tool for chest CT imaging in patients presenting with an acute abdomen.pdf

Covid-19: BSTI/BSGAR decision tool for chest imaging in patients undergoing CT for acute surgical abdomen

Radiology decision tool for suspected COVID-19.pdf

BSTI Radiology decision tool for suspected COVID-19

Manejo clínico COVID Sirio-Libanes.pdf

Manejo clínico COVID-19 Hospital Sírio-Libanês


Nota de esclarecimento Sociedade Brasileira de Infectologia uso de máscaras COVID-19


Recommended PPE for healthcare workers by secondary care inpatient clinical setting, NHS and independent sector 

COVID-19 patients and the Radiology department – advice from the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI).pdf

COVID-19 patients and the Radiology department – advice from the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI)

Cartilha Direitos e Deveres do Medico - Covid-19 - Versão 01 - 27.03 13h.pdf.pdf.pdf.pdf.pdf

Cartilha Direitos e Deveres do Médico 


Protocolo de Manejo Clínico da COVID-19 Ministério da Saúde


Métodos Laboratoriais para Diagnóstico da Infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2

Manual de Prevenção e Controle da Covid-19 segundo o Doutor Wenhong Zhang.pdf

Manual de Prevenção e Controle da COVID-19

Estagios da COVID.pdf

Estágios da COVID-19

Hidroxicloroquina na COVID-19 Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia.pdf

Uso de Hidroxicloroquina na COVID-19 Sociedade Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia

Digital Health and COVID19.pdf

Digital Health and the fight against the COVID-19

Diretrizes Ministério da Saúde.pdf

Diretrizes para diagnóstico e tratamento da COVID-19 do Ministério da Saúde

EPIs para coleta de virus unidades atendimento 07042020.pdf

Grupo Fleury - Diretrizes para uso de EPIs

Atendimento Móvel - Fluxo Coronavírus_v.5_.pdf

Grupo Fleury - Diretrizes para atendimento móvel

Fluxo Atendimento - limpeza de itens de uso do paciente V2.pdf

Grupo Fleury - Diretrizes para limpeza de uso de itens pessoais


National Coronavirus Response: a road map to reopening


CBR - COVID-19 e seus impactos legais no brasil: compilado do que o associado precisa saber

UCSF Incidental Detection of Lung Findings That Could Represent COVID-19 in Patients Without Respiratory Symptoms.pdf

UCSF Incidental Detection of Lung Findings That Could Represent COVID-19 in Patients Without Respiratory Symptoms

Perguntas e Respostas Anvisa.pdf

Levantamento de questionamentos recorrentes recebidos pela Gerência Geral de Tecnologia em Serviços de Saúde GGTES/ANVISA sobre a emergência de saúde pública internacional – COVID 19

RSNA COVID-19 Task Force- Best Practices for Radiology Departments during COVID-19.pdf

RSNA COVID-19 Task Force: Best Practices for Radiology Departments during COVID-19


SERAM: La radiología desde la aparición de la infección COVID-19

NOTA TÉCNICA Nº 06_2020.pdf


Orientações para a prevenção e o controle das infecções pelo novo coronavírus (sars-cov-2) em procedimentos cirúrgicos


Manejo da COVID-19 Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

Guidelines for pre-operative COVID-19 testing for elective cancer surgery.pdf

Guidelines for pre-operative COVID-19 testing for elective cancer surgery

COVID-19 Diagnostic Imaging Fleury Group (English).pdf

Guidelines for Diagnostic Imaging of COVID-19 Fleury Group


Orientações do Ministério da Saúde para manuseio medicamentoso precoce de pacientes com diagnóstico da COVID-19

Nota CQ HCQ 20-05-2020 01h00.pdf

Nota sobre o uso da cloroquina / hidroxicloroquina para o tratamento da COVID-19


Atualizações SBI 9/12/2020

2021 Guia de Manejo COVID versao 1- 08.04.21(1).pdf
A living WHO guideline on drugs for covid-19Clinical question What is the role of drug interventions in the treatment of patients with covid-19? New recommendation Increased attention on ivermectin as a potential treatment for covid-19 triggered this recommendation. The panel made a recommendation against ivermectin in patients with covid-19 regardless of disease severity, except in the context of a clinical trial. Prior recommendations ( a ) a strong recommendation against the use of hydroxychloroquine in patients with covid-19, regardless of disease severity; (b) a strong recommendation against the use of lopinavir-ritonavir in patients with covid-19, regardless of disease severity; (c) a strong recommendation for systemic corticosteroids in patients with severe and critical covid-19; ( d ) a conditional recommendation against systemic corticosteroids in patients with non-severe covid-19, and ( e ) a conditional recommendation against remdesivir in hospitalised patients with covid-19. How this guideline was created This living guideline is from the World Health Organization (WHO) and provides up to date covid-19 guidance to inform policy and practice worldwide. Magic Evidence Ecosystem Foundation (MAGIC) provided methodological support. A living systematic review with network analysis informed the recommendations. An international guideline development group (GDG) of content experts, clinicians, patients, an ethicist and methodologists produced recommendations following standards for trustworthy guideline development using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach. Understanding the new recommendation There is insufficient evidence to be clear to what extent, if any, ivermectin is helpful or harmful in treating covid-19. There was a large degree of uncertainty in the evidence about ivermectin on mortality, need for mechanical ventilation, need for hospital admission, time to clinical improvement, and other patient-important outcomes. There is potential for harm with an increased risk of adverse events leading to study drug discontinuation. Applying pre-determined values and preferences, the panel inferred that almost all well informed patients would want to receive ivermectin only in the context of a randomised trial, given that the evidence left a very high degree of uncertainty on important effects. Updates This is a living guideline. It replaces earlier versions (4 September, 20 November, and 17 December 2020) and supersedes the BMJ Rapid Recommendations on remdesivir published on 2 July 2020. The previous versions can be found as data supplements. New recommendations will be published as updates to this guideline. Readers note This is the fourth version (update 3) of the living guideline ( BMJ 2020;370:m3379). When citing this article, please consider adding the update number and date of access for clarity.