
I am a radiologist, with medical residency, specialization and doctorate in thoracic radiology at Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, where I worked for many years as affiliated professor and supervisor of resident physicians . I did my postdoctoral work in PET/CT at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York), specialization in chest radiology at British Columbia University (Vancouver) and MBA in Business Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo.

I am the founder of the Healthcare Innovation Community, with almost 1000 participants interested in the topic. I worked for almost 20 years at Grupo Fleury, as a radiologist and medical manager of radiology, strategy and innovation. I was medical director and vice-president of Alliança Excelência em Saúde, and CEO of iDr - Inteligência Diagnóstica Remota, a company focused on innovation and technology in the healthcare sector, where I am the current chairman.

I gave several lectures at medical and innovation events in 12 countries, having published more than 100 scientific articles in indexed journals, 50 book chapters and more than 200 papers at events. I was an advisor for undergraduate and graduate theses and I am a reviewer for scientific journals in the areas of medicine and innovation. I am a member of the global advisory board of Agfa Radiology and also part of the scientific advisory board of Boehringer-Ingelheim.

I founded Ambra Saúde, a startup focused on management and storage of medical images in the cloud, and I am a partner and mentor of other startups in the sector, such as Kuri Saúde, Munai, Neuralmed, Salubrum y OniDoc. I am a board member at the NGO Zoé, and columnist for MIT Sloan Management Review Brasil and The Yuan. 

Born in Juiz de Fora, I was lovingly adopted by São Paulo more than 2 decades ago. I lived an year in Paris and in New York, being fluent in French, English and Spanish. I'm married to Julia and the father of Gabriel and Ana, my biggest sources of inspiration, fun and happiness. My hobbies are literature, travel, gastronomy, and street running, with several races (and some injuries) under my belt, including 4 marathons.